Two Bears

Two Bears is a local cold-brew coffee and non-diary alternative company that absolutely loves what they do. In fact, they're ferocious about it. They devour everything from high-quality ingredients to innovative brewing methods, leading them to some pretty extraordinary products.

This was the Two Bears we wanted consumers to see. The dedicated ones. The obsessed ones. The ones who take a bite out of life because that's the only way to get the most out of it. With this website revamp, we wanted to show everyone who Two Bears really is and the possibilities of living ferociously.

A Little Website Pick- Me-Up

Digital Ads

Taste is a big problem for non-dairy alternatives. While the benefits are irrefutable, that not-quite-right taste makes them tough to swallow and keeps many people from making the change. To overcome this preconceived notion and present Two Bears Oat as a worthy alternative, we created a digital ad that showcased just how much taste we have. Especially next to some barnyard animal.

There are two things bears are good at. Making high-quality drinks and giving hugs. What initially began as a creative way of offering 20% off for signing up for their newsletter quickly grew into a fun and engaging social contest that boosted brand affinity and community engagement.

Social Interaction


Wine Rack: Pride Event